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Chapter 5: SLIP and PPP

This chapter introduces the Silicon Graphics implementation of the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). SLIP and PPP are protocols for TCP/IP networking over a serial line. SLIP and PPP can be used for connecting remote systems to a local area network, or for connecting two networks together.

The Silicon Graphics implementation provides both RFC 1144 data compression and its own proprietary data compression, which compresses header framing, checksum, and TCP/IP information to three bytes. SLIP is part of the eoe2 software subsystem, and is installed via the eoe2.sw.slip package. Use the versions(1M) command to check to see if you have SLIP installed on your system.

PPP offers substantially the same features as SLIP, but is more flexible and robust. In general, PPP is preferable to SLIP. However, you will have to use SLIP if the system you want to connect to supports SLIP and not PPP.

PPP is part of the eoe2 software subsystem, and is installed via the eoe2.sw.ppp package. Use the versions(1M) command to check to see if you have PPP installed on your system.

The following sections are included in this chapter:

Installing the Software
Selecting a Modem
IP Addresses for SLIP and PPP Clients
Configuring a System for Dial-Out
Configuring a System for Dial-In
SLIP and PPP Routing and Address Allocation
Configuring a Bidirectional Link
Starting SLIP or PPP at Boot Time
Demand Dialing
File Transfer Over SLIP or PPP
Troubleshooting SLIP and PPP Links

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